---------------------------- Pandemic conclusion 2023 ----------------------------

Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - very interesting, most articles and topic to current situation

Conclusion sources:

Main alternative resources:

National Canada Citizens Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/live
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - USA
Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de - Germany
Geopolitics and Empire: https://guadalajarageopolitics.com
Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

Interesting links to follow:

Updated: 13.02.2024

Global Vaccine Passports

Current news and interesting events
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Global Vaccine Passports

Post by alisonfletch »

G20 Bali update document paves the way for global vaccine passports.

'Klaus Schwab announced at the B20, an offshoot of the main G20, that this world must undergo deep and systemic restructuring.

He’s talking about restructuring and transitioning to achieve their sustainable dystopia agenda, which means a highly controlled society under the name of net zero.

The globalists aren’t hiding their agenda anymore: For the “privilege” of traveling, they want everyone to show their “digital papers” and submit to an all-powerful digital id system.

Without the digital identity system on your phone, you can’t leave your house. There’s a chance they’ll only let you go to the grocery store or the pharmacy.

Once we have a CBDC, it’ll be even easier to enforce. Once you go outside your pre-approved radius of movement, your money stops working'.

https://truthtalk.uk/2022/g20-bali-upda ... orts/?s=09
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