---------------------------- COVID Report from the US Congress ----------------------------

Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - very interesting, most articles and topic to current situation

Selected articles from SubStack:

Conclusion sources:

Main alternative resources:

National Canada Citizens Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/live
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - USA
Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de - Germany
Geopolitics and Empire: https://guadalajarageopolitics.com
Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

Interesting links to follow:

Updated: 23.12.2024

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Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:15 pm

Connect with other free thinkers

Post by alisonfletch »

"Local Resistance.org provides a way to easily find other people in your local community who recognize the danger and share your concerns. By linking locally we can find strength and support... we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you...."


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